“Justwatch” Little Women Full Movie

Little Women “Justwatch”



Genre - Romance / Countries - USA / runtime - 2 hour 15minutes / / actors - Emma Watson / audience score - 99212 Votes







Do you have the scene of Laurie drunk at the party with Amy. I wish all these sweet beautiful little woman peace, happiness, and love! Big smiles I"m routing for all of you. After the film ended alm I could think was. what just happened! This was one of the most beautifully filmed, well acted and directed, seamless, emotional films of the year or of many years. A fresh and deeply sincere take on a timeless and timely classic. E were stunned, moved, and deeply touched. Magnificent all around. Kudos to all for this new classic... The whole cast did a phenomenal job. The directing and cinematography was amazing. I"m absolutely in love with this version. Thanks Greta ??. Pleasant viewing. The way timmy smiles and says “hello amy im laurie” gets me every time ??.

I feel like they both are Leo and Kate of our generation. Jo March played by Saoirse Ronan looks back on the lives and loves of herself and her sisters. This is a beautifully crafted film directed by Greta Gerwig. The cinematography is gorgeous so is the costume design and production design. You watch these little women grow from teenager to grown women. Jo is a writer, Amy is a painter, Meg is an actress and Beth is a talented pianist. Ronan was great as Jo and so was new star Florence Pugh as Amy. I loved every part of this film, the acting and everything else ive described. I highly recommend this film. Hermione would be EXTREMELY proud of her. Love her.

Laurie is such a gentleman ??. The 2019 version is the first I"ve actually seen. It"s more than 40+ years since I read the book as a child and didn"t remember any specifics. I"m not sure what I knew or if I just knew from osmosis. I appreciated you doing the comparisons as now I don"t have to. PS I liked this version a lot. I just realized she"s Susie Salmon from The Lovely Bones.?? I highly recommend that movie if you haven"t seen it, it"s fantastic. I"m not a fan of Saoirse Ronan or period pieces, but for some strange reason, I enjoyed this movie a lot more than I had previously thought. I was overjoyed to see Pugh in another role after dynamic performance in Midsommar, and I honestly think that Ronan, with her fierce tenacity, and Scanlen, with her quiet but charming cadence, stole the show. It all ended in a very neat conclusion and left me feeling satisfied. My biggest complaint is that the storyline was constantly jumping around and it made me a little confused at times.

Shes so damn charming. How long have you fallen asleep during Little Women Movie. She"s very eloquent. You can tell she really thinks hard before saying something. I have a summary for you.